The following e-mails were received in response to this site
Your comments are appreciated
email: frank@frankambrose.com
-From_: webmaster@thebattlezone.com Thu Nov 2 12:57:01 2000 Hello, Thanks for your link. We have added it to the the BattleZone.com WWII Public Links page. We're particularly impressed with the B-24 Nose Art photos. Respectfully, Paul Happ For BattleZone Ltd. |
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-From_: daveg@fultoncomputer.com Wed Nov 15 15:01:37 2000 Hi Frank, I just took the time to tour around your web site. I really enjoyed it, especially the page about your return to Pantanella, Italy. You should give that to the Leader Herald to publish in one of it's Sunday editions. Dave Gibson-Fulton County Computers |
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-From_: scott@heavybombers.com Wed Nov 15 18:32:41 2000 I've added your link to the 465th BG page, let me know when you add pictures depicting other groups (or their squadrons) and we'll be happy to list those. Regards, Scott Burris-381st BGMA Life Member Web:www.HeavyBombers.com |
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-From_: Ron.Bayes@mail.state.ky.us Thu Nov 16 15:07:49 2000 Mr. Ambrose, Just viewed your work and really enjoyed the pictures. I myself was a photographer in the military. I was assigned to the 7th Corps during Desert Storm. Just wanted to say hello from Lexington, Kentucky. My son Eric, and his wife Jill are moving to your city in December. I've been trying to find out all the info. I can for them. He will be working over security and fire safety for Wal-Mart. Your web site is very good! Just wanted to say hello. Have a great day! Ron Bayes |
-From_: csjack783@webtv.net Thu Nov 16 17:58:05 2000 I am from the 783rd Sq. and just now view your site.I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. My grandson put in our 783rd site and it was just added. You have a picture of our original airplane Rough and Ready. We flew 37 missions in it then took a radar plane on aug 3,44 and were shot down in Austria. It finally gave up oct 20,44 and all aboard were killed. On the b24bestweb site we have 5 pictures of Rough and Ready in color taken by 8mm movie camera. thanks again. Cleo Jackson ---The old guy down on the river |
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-From_: michael.kenaga@piperrudnick.com Thu Nov 30 16:20:33 2000 Frank: It was a pleasure speaking with you today. I revisited your web site. Nice job ! As I mentioned, my dad was in the 783rd. The name of his plane was Red Hot Riding Hood. The pilot was "Pete" Polsen. I believe it was painted dark green, i.e., it was not bare metal. He has no photo of his plane. I would be very grateful if I could purchase a photo of his plane if you have it. I would also be interested in any photo of his crew, photos of the base (planes, buildings, tents, trucks, runway, etc.) to get an idea of what it was like, and a copy of the aerial photo of the Pantanella base on your web site. I understand your retired and certainly are not looking to go back to work, but whatever you can do would be appreciated. If agreeable/possible, let me know what you have and the cost (including postage) and I will mail a check. Regards, Michael L. Kenaga |
-From_: KiloWhskey@aol.com Sun Dec 3 23:35:06 2000 Just a quick note to tell you that I enjoy the photos of the 781st on your website. My Dad is in the right front seat of Ripplin' Rhythm. Because of what you guys accomplished, we aren't speaking German or Japanese today. Thank you for your service to our great country, sir. Kerry Myers Mill Valley, CA Duty - Honor - Country |
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-From_: bdstan@budget.state.ny.us Wed Dec 6 18:11:36 2000 Visiting your web site, I see that you have a picture of my father's B-24, the Fertile Turtle. It was shot down on Oct. 13, 1944, but my father (the pilot) got the plane past Russian lines and the crew escaped harm. I note with interest that you have the negatives for your pictures. I would very much appreciate having some prints made from the negative of the Fertile Turtle. I've been doing a lot of research and would also be intersted in seeing any other pictures that you might have relateed to the 464th. By coincidence, I live in East Greenbush, near Albany, not too far from Gloversville. Could I set up a time to come see you? I assume you are tied up with holiday-related work. Is sometime in January OK? |
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-From_: daronco.michele@vela.cc.uniud.it Sat Dec 9 11:29:54 2000 Dear Mr Ambrose, I have visited your beautiful web site because I am interesting of the 465th BG. I am doing an historical reasearch about my home town during the second world war and I have found that the B-24s of 465th BG made a mission against Osoppo, Italy few kilometers near where I live in North-East of Italy (about 200 km north-east of Venice). The 465th BG made the raid against Osoppo on 14 April 1945 and the target was called "Osoppo Motor truck repair shop". This was one of the last missions made by the group. I have read in your website that you was a photographer of 15th Air Force so I am looking for photos of 465th BG. I also looking for photos of B-24s of other 15th AF Groups like 449th BG, 98th BG, 485th BG, 460th BG, 461st BG and 484th BG that made raids against Osoppo and other targets in vicinity of my home town. Could you help me ?? Thank you very much indeed. I am very greateful to you. Best Regards Michele D'Aronco Piazza Garibaldi, 16 33013 Gemona del Friuli (UD) Italy |
-From_: michalm@jmpolska.com Tue Dec 12 02:46:26 2000 Dear Sir, I just visited your interesting web site. Congratulations! I am a member of the so called "Aircraft M.I.A. Project". We look for info on the USAAF missions to Poland and aircraft MIA over Polish territory. Could you possibly tell us if the "Sultan" of the 464th BG (nose art page 5) is the B-24 #42-95348 that was lost during mission to Blechhammer on 27-Aug-44? Thank you. Regards, Mike Mucha Aircraft M.I.A. Project Poland |
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-From_: csjack783@webtv.net Sun Dec 17 01:04:12 2000 I was in the 783rd Sq. 465 bomb gp. and I really like your addition to 465th site. One of your pictured airplanes was ours before we were shot down Aug 3 44. We had a radar plane that day. You may recall the 465th lost 8 aircraft that day,on mission to Fredricshafen. I have other pictures of our plane but don't have the one you have. Is there any chance I could buy a copy of Rough .Our planes pictures I will forward to you. They are on the b24bestweb site . Cleo Jackson |
-From_: grinslade@mindspring.com Tue Dec 26 22:26:24 2000 Dear Frank Ambrose, I was fortunate enough to find a web page dedicated to the 15th Air Force. My Father-in-Law was a member of the 465th during the War. He has shared memories of his time in Italy. He is humble about his service during WW2. He has opened up to me because I am veteran of the Silent Service. I served during the Cold War. My Father-in-Law's name is Fred Jordan. He flew over 30 missions. In March,1945 he was shot down over Yugoslavia and rescued by the Partisans. I have been trying to find information about the 465th. I was hoping that you might have published some of your photographs of the 465th. If there are any photographs available to the public, information on how to get them would be greatly appreciated. If you have any other information on the 465th, or know of any associations that can be helpfull, could you forward it to me. Respectfully, William Grinslade |
-From_: Manfred.WINKLER-EXTERNAL@gemplus.com Tue Jan 16 05:59:36 2001 Dear Frank, I'm looking for details on a mission of the 465thBG on the 3rd august of 1944. The target was Friedrichshaven. The B24's got attacked by some FW190 of the IV.KG 3 on their way back to Pantanella (Apulia) in italy. My question is: Do you have any information on this mission? (reports, photos, film material). In paticular, im interested in the B24 that crashed near Stams in the Inntal.41-29377 (MACR 7532) of 783 BS: crashed E. of Hauland. Ten POW Many TIA Best regards, Manfred France |
-From_: Manfred.WINKLER-EXTERNAL@gemplus.com Wed Jan 17 03:43:38 2001 Hi Frank, The whole thing started, when my father told me some years ago that he had watched an air combat over the Inntal when he was a young farmer's boy in Tyrol during the 40ies. He just remembered it was a 4-engined US bomber that had been attacked by a german fighter, the next thing he saw was the ship crashing about 5 kms from his home. Since I'm enthusiastic in aviation for many many years, I decided to look for more information. I'm thinking about creating a website about this mission, that shows both sides of the conflict in detail. What do you think about that. I could understand that you disaprove since you've been out there. However I think It might be a good thing to honor the brave air men that fought for their lifes, most just to defend their country. Warmest regards: Manfred Winkler L'Oleandrina F-84240 La Motte d'Aigues FRANCE |
-From_: btyler@citlink.net Tue Jan 23 09:33:43 2001 Frank Thanks for a great looking web page. I am a recently retired Air Force art director, graphic artist and photographer, originally from Gloversville and just relocated back home. It&Mac226;s great to see someone who still remembers with pride their service to the country. Keep up the good work. Bill Tyler |
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-From_: jryan464@yahoo.com Thu Jan 25 00:35:22 2001 Hello Frank, Mike Mucha from the Polish MIA project gave me the url to your website. I visited and greatly enjoyed the photos you took so many years ago at Pantenella. My father was in the 464th, 777th based at Pantenella. His plane- "All Meat-No Potatoes" was shot down on August 7th, 1944 over Blechammer. He was a POW at Stalag Luft III and Moosburg VIIA where he was liberated by Gen. Patton. Dad had a lot of stuff stashed away and I put together a website for him about a year ago. Here is the url to my site- hopefully you will enjoy some of the photos there. http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Base/2036/ My dad is still alive but in the late stages of Alzheimer's. He turned 81 last year. I will miss him a lot when he passes on. We owe so much to all of you who served in WW II and for preserving our freedoms against Tyranny. Best Regards and look forward to hearing from you. John Ryan |
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-From_: rhoskin@iglou.com Sun Jan 28 15:33:21 2001 Mr. Ambrose: I have just discovered your and I have to congratulate you on the site and admit that it is certainly, to me, a delightful site. Just recently I worked on a listing of B24s that are reported to have been assigned to the 464th, trying to match serial numbers, call letters, model, and builders. The vast majority of the pictures you have on the site are on my listing with the exception of "Miss Please" and "Oswald the Rabbit". I have actually flown missions in several of the aircraft you have posted as of 01/27/01, Green Hornet, Home for Christmas, Ruthie the Raider, Wheel 'N Deal, etc. I was a member of what they called a "replacement crew", thus we were not assigned to any one aircraft but flew whatever was available, even if it meant using and aircraft from another squadron. I managed to get in 32 sorties/53 missions before the fiasco in the ETO ended. I brought home a number of pictures and negatives of 464th and a couple of 465th aircraft, but back in the 60s I loaned all negatives and 95% of my pictures to the historian of the 464th Bomb Group Association and he passed away shortly thereafter. Stupid me, I had not put my identification on them. (I had, periodically, worked in the photo lab at Pantanella after the missions and debriefing were over and on some of my off days when we weren't on real or practice missions.) Currently the historian, Betty Karle and author Mike Hill are working on a book, a history of the 464th BG. My question to you is would you be willing to allow them to use any pictures you might have that are 464th BG related and if so, approximately how much would you require? Since I just recently found the site I haven't told them that the pictures even exist. Perhaps they are already aware, but I thought I would contact you first. Sincerely, Bob Hoskinson 464th BG, 778th BS |
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-From_: p2jwill@impulse.net Wed Feb 7 23:45:43 2001 Hi! Frank, I was in the 464th BG, 778 BS and was shot down May, 10 1944 so yo no dought did not get a picture of my B24 "BLIVIT". However I really have enjoyed what you have in your "Nose Art" as of this date and I am looking forwarded to seeing more of your work. The pictures sure did bring back some fond memories, some that were deep in the memory banks. Thanks again for that because I am trying to write a book for my grandchildren. Puett L Willcox Jr. Lompoc, CA |
-From_: ByronBehm@aol.com Fri Feb 16 18:38:48 2001 Frank, Just came upon your great website. I have an interest in the Fifteenth Air Force because my dad was in the 460th BG/761st BS at Spinazzola. He went over with a replacement crew in the fall of 1944 and flew combat missions after New Years until the war was over. I was amused by the picture that was titled "when duty calls" on board the ship going over. Dad's crew (he was a radio operator/gunner) went via Liberty ship also. Probably had the same type of accommodations for them too! I'll have to ask him when we get together in the next few weeks. He is 82 now and still remembers a lot about that time in history. Says he can still smell the cordite as the formation flew through flak. Sincerely, Byron Behm |
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-From_: Alberg@aol.com Sun Feb 4 13:27:27 2001 Frank, When did you make your trip back to the site of the old Pantanella base? I keep hoping that my wife and I may yet get over there, but your description suggests that it may be a bit hard to find. I was a navigator in the 782nd. My crew arrived there the last week in April '44. I was in Ralph Pendleton's crew; we and Ralph Pemberton's crew came in together (naturally the names were often confused), to replace the Murphy and Melody crews that were lost in the mid-air collision back in Africa. We flew our first mission May 12; I finished up August 27 with a trip to Blechhammer, and left the base on Sept. 15, so I never saw the chapel or the tufi houses; they hadn't been built yet. Others who have been back there said that one of the farm buildings was still recognizable as the officers' club, because there was still a 15th AF emblem painted on the inside wall, but that was about it. I'd still love to see it, though I have much less memory of it than you have, since you were there much longer. I don't even really remember the two hills! Anyway, I'd like to know when you were there, because if almost no one in the area remembered the base then, I guess even fewer would remember it now, and it might be a bit hard to find. On the other hand I was a navigator, and I still have the latitude and longitude of the spot! Thanks for any more info you can give me about how to find it. Al Berger |
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-From_: gghs@hotmail.com Thu Feb 8 10:12:47 2001 Hi, my name is Gabor Horvath. I have just seen your excellent website with your beautiful plane-photos in Italy. I am looking for information on fuselage (battle) letters of the 464th, 465th BG Liberators, eg. yellow'K' for 'Hells Belle' in 465th, etc. Can you tell me more 'letter' examples from your photo archives to specific plane (nick)names, nose arts? Sincerely, Gabor |
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-From_: JRSmith956@aol.com Tue Feb 27 16:01:25 2001 Frank I like your web site. My Father was in the 15th Flying 51s. Stationed in Corsica. I know he did a lot of escort work into Germany and over Romaina and also north Africa Id like to know more about his life in the war. Do you have any good sources. I have a good picture of his 51 over the coast of Italy. The tail #s are 413496. Ill send you a copy if youd like to post it on your web site. Cheers Jonathan Smith |
-From_: ssherman@westnet.com Wed Mar 14 20:36:13 2001 Dear Frank, Great website! Great photo! May I post the photo on my site? With a note "Does anyone have any info on this plane. If so, please ..." I checked the Osprey Aircraft of the Aces # 7, Mustang Aces of the 9th and 15th AF, and it shows two Mustangs of the 332nd with the same pattern around the spinner/cowling. They also have large, single numbers in the same position just below the canopy. And one of the Mustangs shown is a 'birdcage' model P-51C. And the crewmen are African-Americans. So almost certainly, your photo of 'Skippers Darlin' was from the 332nd. Wait, just checked the book more carefully. It refers to Col. "Ben Davis' personal mount Skipper's Darlin' III." So there you have it. Not only is this from the 332nd, but it was Col. Davis plane. Thanks for asking me. Yours is the second really fun, interesting question in two days. Steve |
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-From_: dodex@att.net Thu Mar 15 06:56:26 2001 Hi Frank, I want to thank you for your "Forgotten Memories" essay. It brought back my own memories of that place. It was in June 1944, I believe, that I was sent to Pantanella as a radar mechanic with the 782nd. The other occupants of my 16X16 pyramidal tent were Claude Belcher, (the chief mechanic), Audie B. Gibson (Head Cook), Turner (Armorer) and Walker. In my mind's eye I can still see us waiting in the afternoon for the planes to return from a mission. Actually I learned to drive there, driving a jeep from the encampment down to the hardstands. On one of our drives around the country my wife and I stopped at the Air Force Museum in Dayton and I have a picture of me standing alongside the B-24 "Strawberry Bitch" You have a great knack for writing and your words put a lump in my throat. Dexter Harris |
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-From_: mwoodman@pyramid.net Sat Mar 17 18:43:43 2001 The photo that you have of P-51B "Little Bastard" #48 was my dad's ship. Is there any chance of getting a hard copy of this picture?, I will be more than happy to pay whatever costs are incurred. Thank You Mike Woodman |
-From_: michalm@jmpolska.com Tue Mar 20 02:39:23 2001 Frank: Mike Woodman remembers his Dad talking about someone taking a picture of his plane in the air. Yes, the world is really very small. Thank you. Mike-Poland |
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-From_: dmtabs@qwest.net Thu Apr 5 20:48:03 2001 Hi, Frank - This is Dwayne Tabatt, from Spokane Washington - Visited your website, and noticed the shot of P-51#48 - This was a P-51C/42-103562/Pilot was Verner A. Woodman, Jr. - you will notice that the rudder doen't match up with the rest of the checkers - well, on 9-1-44, it was hit by flak, and knocked a piece out of the rudder, so they put on a new one - the crewchief was Stan Stefanowski - the plane was eventually lost on 12-17-44 - a new D model replaced it and was called, "Grace"/leftside nose and "The second Little Bastad on the right pilot was 1Lt. John B. Henry! I have many pictures of #48, that I got from the crewchief, but never seen a flying shot - the story of how it got it's name, is rather amusing! The pilot, had walked up to the crewchief, and since there was a shortage of planes, asked the chief, where's my plane? The crew chief pointed to the plane and said, There's the little bastard over there -and that's how it got it's name! Your friend from Spokane, Dwayne Tabatt |
-From_: jspeters1@earthlink.net Sun Mar 18 23:24:43 2001 Frank :-) I was one of two flight engineers on the flight line when that aircraft landed.We had just landed after a mission. The other was William Somers of Mesa AZ. ......I live in Scottsdale,AZ. When we got together several years ago, I showed him the picture from a Boeing publication and he remarked that he was on the end of the runway and had watched the plane land. I told him I also was on the end of the runway and I did not remember the other engineer's name but that he was from New York. He told me "I'm from New York". We were just out of the picture to the left on the other side of the runway. The B17's airspeed was inop we heard later. We have since compared missions and he flew 30 missions and I flew 27...we were in the same formation 17 of those missions. We both watched the the guy take the picture. The aircraft approached at about 100-200 ft and two chutes deployed, (one at a time) and each immediately snapped. He made a tight 360 and touched down. Two more chutes deployed (one at a time) ..both snapped off after a couple of seconds, and he continued down the runway,where he groundlooped at the end. Jim :-) James S. Peters M/Sgt USAF (Retired) Flight Engineer/Top turret 27 Missions 99 BG,348 BS 15 AAF 5th Wing Tortorella AAF, (Foggia #2) Foggia,Italy Dec 44-May 45 |
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-From_: RECARLSO@novell.com Tue Mar 20 09:49:46 2001 Frank, This is absolutely UNBELIVEABLE.. great work... I fouond my dad in Griffen's crew (Richard O. Carlson).. I have seen this picture before.. I can't tell you how impressed I am.. I will share this with my family and let you know what they think.. especially my dad.. Thanks.. |
-From_: ginox@bluewin.ch Thu Mar 29 14:13:41 2001 Dear Mr. Ambrose, Some time ago, while navigating on the Internet looking for items pertaining to the B-24 (my favourite aircraft) and I was lucky in finding your Web Site, www.frankambrose.com. Much to my surprise and excitement, I saw the pictures of two aircraft from the 464th Bomb Group which were later interned in Switzerland during World War II. Because the pictures you have of these two B-24s are of special significance to me, I would be very grateful to you if I could obtain paper prints from your original negatives. It&Mac226;s understood that these prints would be for my private use only. At this point, I&Mac226;d perhaps better explain that, along with my friend Hans-Heiri Stapfer, I was co-author of a booklet titled Strangers in a Strange Land - Vol. II - Escape to Neutrality published in 1992 by Squadron/Signal Publications Inc. 1115 Crowley Drive, Carrollton, TX 75011-5010, U.S.A. This modest work dealt with the U.S.A.A.F. crews and aircraft interned in Switzerland during WWII. Below you will find some details about these two aircraft: MACR #6753 July 19th, 1944, 12.10 Hrs. Landing in Dübendorf/ZH - B-24J-20-CF - serial #42-99813 combat letter: red G - 776th BS - nickname: Sleepy Time Gal - crew listing: P MORAN James V. 2nd Lt. O-818193 CP MOORE Donald H. 2nd Lt. O-822956 N FURCOLO Michael P. 2nd Lt. O-708810 B WALKER Virgil F. 2nd Lt. O-707455 E HEDRICK George L. T/Sgt. 15171230 RO SHIVE Howard (nmi),JR.T/Sgt. 33597670 NG SOUTHER Max L. S/Sgt. 34890615 BTG ARNDT Jacob H. S/Sgt. 37559959 WG RIESTER Robert W. S/Sgt. 33607199 TG THOMPSON Bernard E. S/Sgt. 35771816 MACR # NONE October 4th, 1944, 13.40 Hrs. Crash-landing in Dübendorf/ZH - B-24H-15-FO - serial #42-52485 combat letter: white F - 778th BS - nickname: Brown Nose and Duchess Alice - crew listing: P PESKIN Samuel D. 2nd Lt. O-824202 CP HOCH Frank L. 2nd Lt. O-826960 N THOMPSON Earl G. 2nd Lt. O-723711 B ABERNATHY Kyle G. 2nd Lt. O-717856 E KRAJEWSKI Joseph Z. S/Sgt. 42008086 RO MENZL Raymond A. S/Sgt. 32214572 NG LOFTISS Louis E. Sgt. 18184030 BTG SMITH Jimmy A. Sgt. 38510878 WG MITCHELL Michael D. T/Sgt. 17118553 TG GIBBARD Norman P. Sgt. 16189156 Georges Gino Künzle Via Pragee 4 6877 Coldrerio Switzerland |
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-From_: eieieio@earthlink.net Fri Apr 6 22:28:40 2001 Hi Frank -- I love your collection! I was Pilot of the 464th's "Green Hornet" the day it was shot down, Dec. 6, 1944. I and my crew were then with the 779th Sq. of the 464th. I was assigned to fly the Green Hornet, a 778th plane, that day becuse my plane had been damaged on the previous mission. Originally, I had been assigned to the 783rd of 465th, but was "shanghied" over to 779th of the 464th by Major Shumaker,pilot of "Shoo Shoo Baby." My dear buddy, Frank Mayall (Pilot 783rd), and I had been together every step of the way from Pre-Flight to the assignment to the 783rd. Sad to say, Frank died last month out in Rutland, Iowa. I had my 80th birthday on last Saturday. How long ago all that was, but how vivid the memories, and how great to see your pictures from those times. I'll sure be watching for additional material. The "Green Hornet" had been badly damaged twice before I flew it -- with tail gunner's killed both times -- and then, when it finally went down to fighters (12/6/44), I too lost my tail gunner and ballturret gunner. That might be a record -- a sad one -- for loss of tail-gunners on one B24. Thank you very much. Warren H. MacDonald, Rehoboth Beach, DE. |
![]() 779th BS/464th BG |
-From_: dmtabs@qwest.net Fri Apr 6 13:51:04 2001 Frank, Hello again! Since I am the Official Aircraft Historian for the 325th, I would be most happy to help you ID the 325th stuff - I have 23 albums of pictures - so if you could throw some aircraft types, numbers and name at me, I would be most happy to help! Very little was survived, on the MTO fighter groups, so data is rare -especially pictures - I am a model builder and like to build planes of aces' that 15 companies havent already made decals for - so I have them specially made! Also, the 52nd FG - Since they do not have contact with each other, a lot of their stuff, is probably sitting in boxes - there are a few planes, I am looking for of them! Probably the worst, are the P-38 groups - especially the early ones! I have many pictures of #48, that I got from the crewchief, but never seen a flying shot - the story of how it got it's name, is rather amusing! The pilot, had walked up to the crewchief, and since there was a shortage of planes, asked the chief, where's my plane? The crew chief pointed to the plane and said, There's the little bastard over there - and that's how it got it's name! I have pictures of planes, that servived combat, and one plane ended up with 3 different pilots and names! So, I would be most happy to assist you in any way - becuse I just love planes! Your friend from Spokane, Dwayne |
-From_: yeabama1@earthlink.net Mon Apr 9 22:28:18 2001 Dear Frank Briefly, I am an AF Korean/Nam Vet.....1950-54/'68-70. My last tour was with the 904thMAG, Stewart AFB, Newburgh. Visited Naples, Venice/Aviano, Brindizi, Tripoli, and other spots in the Med. Was domiciled at RAF Mildenhall when I wasn't traveling, recovery of C-124's as an A & P Mech. Anyway, I lived in Catskill for many years, working in the P.O. there before moving on to my Air Res. Tech position with the 904th. They relocated to Hamilton Field, I moved to Po'keepsie P.O. thence to WPB, FL and finally here in the B'ham AL area. My daughters live in Albany and Clifton Park, and since my mom passed, Rose wants to back-track on the family's genealogy. So, this is my inquiry and hope you might shed some light on this matter. I contacted a few of the units (B-24) but, no luck on finding info. My grandmother Carmela Toscano had two brothers, Louis and Carmine. Louis had a son, Teddy who was an aviation cadet in 1939, I was 7 yrs old, and I remember the incident, it was the last time I saw him alive. He was stationed in Italy, according to family info....he was shot down over France; the tail-gunner was a survivor who reported the incident; eventually Ted's parents requested that the remains be returned to the US for interment in LI NY; where I don't know. Maybe the Nat'l cemetery. He was a pilot and 1st Lt. as I recall hearing during the family correspondence reports until the end. Meanwhile, Carmine's boy Ralph, was also stationed with the 15th as an aircraft mech as I recall the story. Even Ralph mentioned they were together in Italy at the time of the tragedy. It is possible that both were in B-17 sqdns; although much was said about 24's. Is it possible for you to check with the membership rosters and see if you can't locate Ted/Ralph's unit, where stationed and possible report of the incident as to date/place? I realize this is an imposition on you, being a total stranger and all, but, perhaps, by my mentioning these pieces of data, and if in fact they do belong among the archives of the 15th, this might lead to your association obtaining some lost info.....so, it could wind up being a dual-purpose for both of us. I will say this. I have been away from my family for over 25 years....just dispersed in different directions. Louis Toscano, Carmine's oldest son lives in Long Branch, NJ 12 Reid St....he is the solo survivor of the Toscano family from that generation. All others have preceded him in passing. Of course, his children are still living, but, I doubt that they are aware of specific info I am seeking. I did contact Lou and am awaiting a reply. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I t! hought I'd seek and attempt to find info on my own. Lou might just remember. Afterall, he's well into his 80's and near 90. Thank you for your time and cooperation in the matter. Greatly appreciate letting me share at least, a memory of my youth about a member of the family...."....'who gave his all of old....' 'A toast to the host of the men we boast, men of the US (army) Air Force'." Keep 'em Flying! A little levity....."The Army is known for its bravery; The Navy known for its grits! Home sweet home for the National Guard; and the Marines are a lot of ........! Go Air Froce! How's the snow in Gloversville this year? Heard you got quite a bit. Take care. Sincere regards Dave Pulcrano. |
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-From_: FrRbrt@aol.com Sat Apr 14 21:11:08 2001 Hi my name is Bob Force. My father, Joseph Henry Force, nick named " BUZZY", was a ball gunner on a B24 in the 15th in Italy. I know it will be hard to find out if anyone remembers my father, but I don,t have much information to go by. I remember him talking about Bari, Italy. My father was from New Castle, Pa. upon entry in the service. I lost my father in 1993 and want to meet anyone who flew with my father. If you can help me out it will be appreciated. I want to attend my fathers bomber group reunion if I can locate them. Sincerely, Bob Force |
From_: rhoskin@iglou.com Sun Apr 15 21:26:31 2001 Frank: Am attaching a copy of a pic I found on the B-24 Best Web site of the aircraft you have on your site as Geogia Wolf. The attached pic is much like one I had seen before, but it was in one of our 464th BG Association newsletters and had a crew pictured by it. The name given was "Joe-Gla Wolf" Bob Hoskinson 464th BG, 778th Sqdn |
-From_: JGew951086@aol.com Tue Apr 24 07:33:18 2001 dear mr ambrose i was 5 yrs old wen bagnoli ,naples was bombed and i remember clearly those bomber you are talking about the pictures brought me back then and all those sites were so familiar to me i live in the us now and i think i chose to marry an american because i promised myself that i was going to be the wife one day of one of those giants that marched down my street singing i still remember theyr faces painted in different colors and the elmet with the strap swinging back and fourth as they walkie and those high straped boots theyr uniforms were different color as they are now. i remember mom working at the mess hall at what is now called nato base but then it had been a training camp for young italian orfan mussolini dedicated to his son in law 's father Costanzo Ciano. dear sir i wonder if you can email me and tell me if you can remember the date bagnoli was bombed and if you have some pictures i would be very grateful and could share alot of info with you .one day my mom brought a can that had a cherry pie in the label and we all gathered around it with a few neighbor kids and waited for us to open the can with aur mouth watering and wen it was finally open what we thought it was going to be that delicius pie was criscoooo!!!!!!!!!!!! well hope you will reade this [book] thanks a million maria rosaria esposito[gewerth] |
-From_: Spootum@aol.com Tue Apr 24 02:50:10 2001 Hello Mr Ambrose, After several years of wanting my uncle, Frank Powers, to tell me of his experience in Europe in WWII, I got to take notes today on his story. he was in Italy in 1944. assigned to the 465th, 780th in/near Cerignola. he was in a B-24 crew shot down over the Oder river near Blechamer December 2, 1944. Some of his crew mates were Thomas cremmin, George Dunlop, Bill Willaims, John T Ryan, Horace Dobbie, Jim Hilger, Calvin Espy and John Franklin. A navigator Stivenberg was not with the crew on dec 2 because they were led by radar that day he recalled. I took him some pages of your web site today and he was facinated to see your info on the 'net. Please let me know if he can contact any of these men by phone, or call you. he told me I could give out his number now, as he is wanting to talk about "it" now. Sincerely, Jayne Powers Kelly email: "spootum@aol.com" |
780th BS
-From_: JOHNCANJO@aol.com Fri Apr 27 00:44:18 2001 dear frank found your excellent web site while searching for world war two history. enjoyed your photos of gloversville; they brought back memories of visits with my mother who lived there after the war. iwas born and raised in canajoharie,n.y. as far as the war goes i was a b24 crew member stationed in africa and bari,italy with the 15 airforce.. in early 1944 we were shot down over yugoslavia; after approx four months myself and one other crew member made it back with the help of the partisans. sincerely yours jack haley |
-From_: ab6pn@gte.net Thu Apr 26 23:38:02 2001 My father, who passed away in 1994, was stationed at Bari, Italy during the war. He was a member of a crash crew and was a firefighter. Some of his experiences were so horrific that nearly 50 years after the events he still remembered the names of the victims he helped pull from the crashes. Somewhere at my mom's house is a trunk with documents, and photographs that he took in his spare time at the base and in the town of Bari. Hope to see the site develop in the future. Jim Stoffaire Bishop, CA. |
-From_: konopna@poczta.onet.pl Fri Apr 27 12:05:34 2001 Dear Sir I'm from Poland and I'm an Polish Air Force officer. I'm interested in USAF participation in WW II-especially planes which were lost over Poland. I'll be grateful for all information about men and planes lost over Poland (including Stettin, Danzing, Gdynia, Politz, Posen, Rahmel, Trzebinia,Breslau, Os´wie&Mac254;cim-Aushwitz and Blechhammer areas). I would like to find eyewitnesses, places where the planes fell down and finally explain what happened after their fell down or missing. I hope that you will be able to help me in my efforts. sincerely chor. Jerzy Boc´ ul. Wawrzyszewska 2/16 01-162 Warszawa POLAND |
-From_: Lizard05B@IRWIN.ARMY.MIL Tue May 8 15:37:35 2001 Sir, My name is Gregg Softy and I am currently serving as Major in the Army at Fort Irwin, CA. Coincidentally, I was born and raised in Hyde Park, NY before attending USMA and active duty. I've been doing some searching on the internet for any information regarding my father's service in World War II (1LT Charles Donald Softy). My father passed away ten years ago, andlike so many great World War II veterans, never spoke of his service. I have put together some pieces of information, but being an Army guy, I'm not totally familiar with how Air Force/Air Corps units worked. I know that he was a pilot in the 15th Air Force 1943-1944 time frame. I actually found a book/memoirs(Flight to Black Hammer) written by his co-pilot (1LT Ted Withington). In it my Dad is mentioned as a pilot in the 15th Air Force, 780th Squadron of the 465th Bomb Group of the 55th Wing stationed in Pantanella, Italy. I also learned that he was shot down south of Rzeszow, Poland on Dec 2, 1944 while returning from a mission to Blechhammer, Germany. I also that the nose art on his B24 was "Alley Oop". He was a very tall man. I have a New York Times article from 1943 that documents him at 6'10". I have found Web Sites for the 461st and 463rd Bomb Groups, but have been unsuccessful in finding anything about the 465th. Again not being familiar with unit designations, I have been asking for any possible help in tracking down information about my Dad or his unit. I'm sure that you receive many like requests, but I figured it was worth a try. I would greatly appreciate any help/assistance/information/photos you may be able to provide. I can be reached at points of contact listed below, or my home information is: 4046A Soda Mountain Dr Fort Irwin, CA 92310 (760) 386-0500 Respectfull GREGG C.SOFTY, MAJOR, USARMY Lizard Plans, Team 2 (760) 380-4154 470-4154 (DSN) Lizard05b@irwin.army.mil |
780th BS
-From_: pohlt@web.de Wed May 23 05:28:46 2001 Hello my name is thomas and i am from germany i saw the nose art on your website and i want to know where i can get information about b24's ? I am looking for ark angel thomas Germany |
-From_:terry_mohon@hotmail.com Mon, 28 May 2001 21:28:05 -0400 Subject: i need yor help. dear mr ambrose, i need your help trying to locate some information about my dad, i saw yoour photos of the nose art, my dads plane was called the agony wagon and it had a black lion on the nose and a mouth painted on the nose, please help me if you can my dad passed on some time ago and i lost all my information, do yoou remember such a plane , he was based in italy, it was a b-24, and he was in the 15th air force, i can give you some names of some of the crew, poland,stokes,dunn,methvin,steveson,carlson, he was shot down over yugoslavia after a raid on polestia,spent some time as a pow and than he escaped into the undergound,i am trying to find out bomber gp and sq number,this is all the infomation i have, thank you for your time. Pamela Methvin-Mohon, dallas ga. re: shedrick jones methvin{pappy} |
-From_: Tourism4U@aol.com Wed May 30 10:26:37 2001 Hey Frank, Great site! Thanks for the work. My wife and I just returned from Austria researching the crash of 8 465th B-24 crashes near Lermoos, Austria, which took place August 3, 1944. All 8 B-24's were shot down by enemy fighters, and a local man, Gerd Leitner (7 years old at the time of the air battle) led my wife and I to many of the crash sites up in the Alps and gave me a piece of wreckage from the B-24 #44-41011), which was carrying a man from my hometown who was KIA that day (Willis Prince -- Nose Gunner on Lt. Myron Dodd's crew --782nd). Many 465th men were killed that day, in fact. I saw on your web site, the aircraft Dodd flew overseas from the states, FAST NUMBER, was in your collection of nose art pictures. I've never seen that pic before. I have a similar picture of the aircraft with the crew standing in front of it... standard crew picture. --Anyway, just thought you might be interested in my research, as we share a common interest. --Thanks for your great work! --- Vic Cleary |
-From_: CMiller@modimes.org Wed May 30 15:20:06 2001 My father, Cliff Taylor, was a tailgunner, 15th AF, 465thBG, 780th Squadron. He is anxious to get in touch with any one else in same. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Cheryl Taylor Miller EMAIL at CMiller@modimes.org AND Annie22053@aol.com both if possible please? |
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-From_: PENSHO@aol.com Wed May 30 19:00:44 2001 Hi Frank.. I enjoyed your web site. I have a cousin who was with the 780th Bomber Squadron, 465th Bomber group, operating out of Pantanella Air Base near Canosa di Puglia, Italy. His name is Robert Charles " Bobby" Carlen, 2nd Lieutenant, 0 - 717974 USA. He died on his first mission on August 24, 1944, and is listed as missing in action. I believe Bobby was a Navigator on the B - 24. Bobby was married shortly before reporting service in Italy, I will send you a picture of him in uniform with his bride on their wedding day. He is noted among the Tablets of the Missing at the Sicily - Rome American Cemetery at Nettuno, Italy. What I would like to find out is the "name" or "tail number" of the aircraft that he was on and also the names of the flight crew. Again the plane was missing in action on August 24, 1944. Thanks for any help that you can give me. Penny |
780th BS
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-From_: PENSHO@aol.com Thu May 31 18:09:17 2001 Frank. Thank you for your help. Bob Bleier sent me a e-mail stating that on Aug 24, 1944 it was one of the most disastrous mission, they lost 2 bombers and all 20 crewmen on a mission to Pardubice, Czechoslovakia. He doesn't know the tail number but does have a picture of the crew with their names, which he's sending to me. I have a little more information for you about Bobby for your records. He was the son of Knute E. Carlen and Hulda Nelson Carlen, they lived in Hastings-on-Hudson, Westchester County, New York 10706. My great Aunt Hulda was born in Vanga, Ostergotland, Sweden and immigrated to the U.S. in 1888 at the age of 17. Bobby attended the University of Kentucky and New York University. He worked for Curtiss Wright Corporation, Curtiss Propeller Division before beibg accepted as a Aviation Cadet on March 3, 1943. Bobby started his pre-flight course at Maxwell Field, Alabama on April 1,1943. Thanks again, Penny |
-From_: jcbontempo@starpower.net Fri Jun 1 15:00:13 2001 Frank: I was most impressed with your contribution to the memory of the 15th AF and all the Bomb Groups assigned there. I served in the 461st Bomb Group and the 766th Squadron arriving at the beginning of 1945. I flew a new B-24 L #44-49674 from Topeka Kansas via the southern route through South America, Africa and on into Italy. My aircraft was assigned to the 765th Squadron while the Crew was assigned to the 766th Squadron. I last saw the plane in Bari while visiting Headquarters and have often wondered what ever happened to it. It was my understanding that it received battle damage on one of the missions it flew and underwent rebuild at the Depot at Gioia. We departed Italy in a B-24 that we had picked up at Gioia and I checked there records for the plane I flew to Italy to no avail. Should you have any knowledge or better yet pictures of B-24 Serial Number 44-49674 I would be most appreciative hearing from you. Again thanks for your splendid effort for a truly professional presentation. Warm PersonalRegards John C BonTempo Lt. Col USAF Retired |
461st BG
-From_: gary.ell@mcguire.af.mil Wed Jun 6 18:29:42 2001 Frank, I lost touch with you my friend. I lost your email address and haven't been home in quite some time. Good to see that you have both your own domain and home sites. Excellent sites. I have done some extensive work with the 305th Bomb Group, restoring and archiving images as well as images of Tommy McGuire, Gabby Gabreski and a few more names that I cannot remember but sure that you would know. All is well here. to catch you up: 1990-1: took your classes. 1994-graduated from RIT, school of photo. 1996- hired to set up the first completely digital Visual Information Services facility in Dept of Defense. 1997-promoted to Project Manager. 1998-documented missions all over the place and covered Allied Force, Nobil Anvil and a bunch of other crap. 1999-documented ethnic Albanians fleeing war-torn Kosovo. 2001-promoted to Operations Director, DOD contracts for all branches. You can find me all over the web. Here's some pages for you to check out: http://www.af.mil/photos/bombers_b2.shtml (first 3 belong to me, as well as images in Tankers, transports and surveillance) Drop me a line when you get the chance either here or at: [mailto:gary_ell@alum.rit.edu Ciao, Gary Ell, Civ. Contractor, DoD Fisher-Cal Industries, Inc. |
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-From_: Rocketrat@aol.com Mon Jun 11 20:05:44 2001 Dear Mr. Ambrose, I'd like to compliment you for a thoroughly enjoyable web site. If you would please post a message in Feedback it may get some helpful response. "crobcol" is a very good friend who flew B-24 and later B-29.I will leave it to him to contact you,but your B-25 coverage is outstanding. Another friend, Chuck Keutman was a Nav on a B-24 shotdown near Auschwitz. He has his POW mug shot. Found it on the ground where the Germans threw all the pictures when they left the camp ahead of the Russians. Ken Carson (64pan@globe-net.net) is looking for information on his Dad,Ivan Carson.Ivan was a ball turret gunner on a B-17E in 15th AAF. The plane's name was "The Goon". Ivan flew 50 missions and now lives in the Orlando area.Anything about the plane or crew would be most welcome.Please cc to me Bob Cooper Rocketrat@aol.com as well.I am an aviation historian. Life member of Conn Aeronautical Historical Assoc. "The New England Air Museum" and Valiant Air Command,Titusville Fl.,Air commando Assn.,River Rats,USAF Missile and Space Museum. Thanks for your Service. Bob Cooper |
-From_:Rjpask@aol.com Dear Frank: It is a pleasure to find someone with the finesse and the knowledge of the 15th Forces you have shown. As a member of the 32nd Photo Recon. I appreciate all the research you have put into this under taking. The 32 was equipped with converted P-38's as Photo Recon planes. We Were stationed at San Severo with a South African unit equipped with Mosquitos and at least one English outfit equipped with Spit fires. As you know there are a lot of stories and a lot of sad and happy memories. Thank you very much for you web cite and your research. Respectfully' Ray Pasker |
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-From_: whitley53@home.com Fri Jun 15 22:06:38 2001 Mr. Ambrose, I came upon your site while trying to get information about my uncle whom I never new. He was a pilot with the 781st squadron during WWII stationed at Bari, Italy .His name was William Irwin Dobbs. He went by Bill. My mother was 14 at the time. He flew a mission to Regensberg, Germany and never returned. The letter that my grandmother received said that they had had contact and they believed he ran out of fuel while returning . He was 20 years old. He disappeared on Feb. 5, 1945. My mother is 71 now. She was only 14 when his plane disappeared. I don't think she has been emotionally able to start a search until now. She lost her only other sibling, a brother, to brain cancer in '76. He was only 48. Both of her parents also died in the '70's.If you could help I would greatly appreciate it. She has rarely talked about my uncle, but has recently become interested in trying to contact anyone who may have known him. He disappeared at age 20 returning from a mission at Regensberg, Germany. I think he was the co-pilot. It was believed his plane ran out of fuel. His last contact was 50 miles from a city, maybe Canosa, in Italy where they reported to be low on fuel. My e-mail is whitley53@home.com. Tina Whitley in Nashville, TN |
781st BS
-From_: gabonaco@tin.it Sat Jun 16 13:01:09 2001 Hello! I'm Gabriele Bonacorsi (in english Gabriel)and I'm writing from Pergola in Italy, near by the WWII Mondolfo and Piagiolino airfields where was based the 31st Fg and 52 nd FG laeded by Capt.John Voll,based on the Piagiolino airfiled. I'm interested about all history of 31st Fg and in particular about the bases of Mondolfo and Piagiolino airfields. Do you have Photos,maps or related documents about it? If yes I'll be very pleasent to receive any informations. I'm a very italian fan of P51 and all the history of USAF in Italy during the WWII and with some other friends we are working about the history of these two particular airfields. We are interested with any cooperation who retrive memory of all the men who fighting and living in these beautytfull countr-side of Italy during those hard times. We have also a fuselage piece (with the under portion of American Star )of a B-17 crasched near Monterone ( a little village on Pesaro Province mountains near the Tuscany region border )in province of Pesaro - Marche Region- Italy near Urbino city. The bodyes of the crew was re-impatriated in the late 80's. Oher pieces of this aircraft are in the Monterone citizens houses. The plane has crashed in the late 1943 (this is the information that I have heard from live witness) but I am not sure of this. Do you have any information about this WWII episode? Thank you at all Gabriel Bonacorsi Pergola, ITALY P.S. My compliments of your beautyfull and very interesting web site and I want teo tell you that I have some relaives in Bridgeport - Connetticut- and others in Canada -Hamilton, near by Niagara Falls |
-From_: holly@gci.net Wed Jun 27 05:11:57 2001 Dear Mr. Ambrose, I just started doing research on my father-in-law who was MIA on December 17,1944 . I have a list of the crew members and at the top of the list was Charles F. McKenna. My heart skipped a beat when I checked out your website and there were two pictures of this man! My husband's father was S/Sgt. Robert w. McKee with the 464th B Gp,776 bomb squad. I know that this is a long shot, but did you by any chance know him or hear what happened to him? The name of the B24 was "The Red X",which seems rather mundane after seeing all of your nose art pictures. What our family didn't know until yesterday was that only two people died in this crash and the rest were taken prisoner . My husband's mother was told at the time that witnesses to the plane going down in a spin did not see parachutes so she assumed that they were all killed. We still don't know what happened except that my husband's father was one of the two casualties. I am very sad that I didn't get to talk with Col. McKenna---he appears that he was an amazing man. I really enjoyed your pictures on your website and can hardly wait to show my husband when he comes home from his trip. He is a commercial airline pilot--bought flying lessons with his father's insurance money. Thank you for all you have done for us during the war, your photographs are priceless. Best Wishes, Holly drake |
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-From_: john.distcrt@greatbend.com Wed Jun 27 17:45:32 2001 I stumbled upon your site and found it very interesting. Blending your trip experiences with your WWII experiences is outstanding. I wasn't born at the time but I want to say "thank you" for your service to our country during WWII. John Isern |
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-From_: Soxfan234@aol.com Mon Jul 2 13:42:00 2001 Dear Mr. Ambrose, My dad was stationed at Pantanella with the 465th My son has just graduated high school and will be entering North Carolina State Unviversity in the Navy ROTC program. He and his grandfather are very close and we were trying to find out anything about my dad's time over seas we can. Nick has read my dad's diary ( a very personal thing that few are priveledged to do )....but are interested in gathering a full picture of the area and the times. We are also looking for any info on the V-Grand and can't find anything. my dad was on the crew that flew the plane bringing it over from the states and then he flew with the 782nd as a ball turret gunner until they were shot down and he finished up with 780th... What do you know about this plane? Anything? Since you were/are a photographer, we thought you might have some photos we could buy, etc. I don't know what you might have for pictures around the base etc. but we want to put together a montage for him..... Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Kathy Bosiak |
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-From_: peninhal@juno.com Tue Jul 10 02:30:55 2001 |
781st BS
-From_: NANDREWS8@aol.com Wed Jul 18 17:19:52 2001 Dear Frank: I was pleased to stumble across your 465th Bomb Group web site. The visit triggered a multitude of memories. I was a radio-op gunner on the crew of the "Whirling Dervish" in the 482nd Squadron. We were one of the original crews which formed the 465th in McCook, Nebraska, coming from Wendover, Utah. After phase training at McCook we picked up our new B-24 in Lincoln in February l944, and flew the Southern Route to North Africa. Group Sargent Major Bob Tucci flew with us on the leg of the journey over the South Atlantic from Belem, Brazil to Dakar, French North West Africa. At Tunis we awaited the arrival of our ground crews coming by boat, the push of Allied Forces up from Southern Italy, and construction of our Pantenella base of operations. On May 5, l944 we flew on the Group's first mission to Podgorica, Yugoslavia. Colonel Clark, our Group C.O., accompanied our crew on the flight. We finished our 50th in late summer '44, the first crew in our Squadron to reach the magic number. Our entire crew were later awarded DFC's occasioned by a paticularly hairy Munich mission. Along with l99 other radio-operator veterans of both the l5th and 8th Air Forces, I pulled a second tour in the China-Burma-India theater, flying the Hump with the Air Transport Command. We arrived in Karachi, India, in March l945, and were stationed at various bases-I was at Mohanbari-in the Assam Valley of India. We flew C-46 Cargo planes--Curtiss Commandos--over the lower reaches of the Himalayas carrying oil, arms, and ammunition to Kunming, China, for General Chang Kai-Shek's forces. Despite the fact that at war's end most of us had earned ample points for priority separation from the service, category and continued these flights. I was discharged finally on December 8, l945. Again many thanks for the effort in initiating this web site. Nick Andrews |
782nd BS
-From_: CROLLINSSRO@aol.com Thu Jul 19 15:44:30 2001 |
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-From_: konopna@poczta.onet.pl Wed Aug 8 12:15:34 2001 |
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-From_: teejay@midsouth.rr.com Thu Aug 9 11:51:42 2001 Mr. Ambrose: Digging around for information on the 464th I came upon your page. Question: Do you have anything on them? That is in terms of current day organization, current day individual/s with an email. I am a 44th EIGHT BALL from the original days, in and out, but returned home after VE. When you get a chance I am would appreciate a reply..up or down Cheers, Tommy J. Shepherd, Collierville, TN. Tommy- Thanks for looking at my site. I'm sorry to say the Nose Art of the 24's which were located at Pantanella and Col McKenna's picture (he was our Squdron Commander before going to the 464th) are the only things I have about the 464th. Have you checked Heavy Bombers?-- http://www.heavybombers.com They have a good up-todate list of all the Groups and Squdrons. Good Luck- Frank . Your reply most appreciated. I have from time to time; but, will give it another shot, or two or ? If ever if ever I have come to appreciate todays science that brought about this means of research, communication, and storage just to do what you and I have just today have accomplished is enough to "fill some mighty hearts". Thanks, Tommy |
464th, BG
-From_: sas1123@worldnet.att.net Thu Aug 9 19:11:39 2001 Hello Frank: What a wonderful website you have created. I just happened to find it when I went searching for something in Gloversville and was pleasantly surprised, but then again I should have known you would have created a beautiful web site. You have always been my favorite photographer, doing all kinds of portrait work. You are the best and your pictures during the war are very impressive. Did I read that you retired? I come back "home" frequently and will have to stop by and say hello. Congratulations on a magnificent web page. Sue Studenic-Anthony |
-From_: rbrolli@attglobal.net Thu Aug 16 16:24:36 2001 Frank, My ex, Cathy Rollins told me about your internet pages, and today I went into them. Congratulations, you are a great photographer, and a fine human being for helping all the ex Air Force men, and their children, find memories. When working in Germany in 1958 I saw a picture of a German factory that had a wooden platform built over it and flooded with water so it would appear as a lake to the U.S. and British bombers. Did you guys ever discover something like that with your aerial photography? Did your planes bomb the refinery in northern Italy (near Udine) that was built on a hill side? I was in a meeting of intelligence personnel with petroleum civilian backgrounds before the raid, and I recommended bombing the storage tanks on the top of the hill and letting the fire move down through the refinery. After the war my company, Foster Wheeler Corp., got a contract to repair the refinery. I was a foot soldier, Army intelligence, landing in Oran in Nov. '42, Salerno Sept.9th, '43, and Anzio Jan.21, '44. In Oran and along the North African coast to Tunisia, the enemy had the air. He hit North Africa even after the fighting stopped there in May 13, 1943. He hit our convoy on the night of November 7th, 1943 as we were moving toward Salerno. I was with the British 10th Corps for that landing and Anzio. I recall calling for air support about 10 days into Salerno when we spotted German tanks heading for our (10 Corps) forward positions. Our tanks were just coming off transports in Salerno harbor. The air force came through in spite of cloudy weather. I was also on a hill top in the spring of '44 along with General Mc Creary (10 Corps) and General Mark Clark (U.S. 5th Army) when our air force, looking for Mount Casino, bombed the U.S. 34th Div. in a town similar to Casino, and then a New Zealand hospital. We had been bombing Casino from sun-up to noon. The New Zealanders did not take kindly to this accident, and took it out on U.S. Air Force personnel on leave in Naples, killing a few, until it was put off limits to U.S.A.F. personnel. We never were able to bomb the Germans off Casino, but the 1st. Free French Force went through the mountains from Roccomafino, Capua, and cut the road from Rome (Rt-6) north of Casino. My team was known as USCT No.7, thirteen intelligence men and seven pigioneers, One of our pigeons, G.I.Joe won a medal from the British for saving a British battalion from destruction. There is a display in the Veterans Museum in Branson, MO explaining the episode. There were some air force photographers at an air base outside of Rome in late '45, were you one of them? My last assignment was as Security Officer, Rome Area Command, until Jan. '46. I married an Italian in '45, and stayed until she could get transport back. We kept Rome free of 15th Army M.P's. and the chickenshit regulations they enforced in Naples. That was Mark Clark's promise to the 5th Army troops. In Naples, where we r&r'd before June 6, '44 when we took Rome, they would take your pass away if you didn't have a clean undershirt or a handkerchief. When you had only three days in Naples after 30 days in the line, that was not appreciated. After 50 years, in 1994, 5, and 6, I organized reunions of my team. I found nine alive and to each reunion 5 or 6 came. They were a weekend long and enjoyed by all that came. Now you have a little bit of info about the troops you flew over on your way north. Pleased to answer any questions. I am at rbrolli@attglobal.net Bob Rollins Sunrise, FL |
5th ARMY
The War |
-From_: drewbar1@juno.com Mon Aug 20 19:05:07 2001 Frank, I was so glad to find your web history of Pantanell Air Base. I am trying to find information and photographs to include in a book about that time and place. My father was a radio operator/gunner in the 782nd, and was shot down August 3, 1943 on the return from Friedrichshafen to Pantanella. I would love to see your photographs if you would be willing. Also, do you have a lat/lon for Pantanella, or direction from Laconia? Thank you very much. Drew Squyres San Luis Obispo, California |
782nd BS